Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tips on better relationship with your partner

It's always a fact that dog don't see eye to eye with a cat. Same goes for Man and woman. there always conflict as when they try to communication.

My friend recently gave me a book title "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray" As I myself embarked on a journey of relationship for about 1 year plus. He pass me that book hoping 
it help in me learning the 'ropes' faster.

I must say that its a interesting read and allow me to have a understanding of why women just can't think like men.

Below are a few points shared by John Gray
  1. Listen more, don't talk back. (be in advice, solutions or views)
  2. See her as someone important, like how you would hear out your buddies
  3. Don point out, pick apart her views and validate it
  4. Actions speak louder then words for a woman. Do it.
Beside which, the book also gave pointers on how woman like to be treated. Where men should learn to be more caring, (lass rational) , more understanding ( listen more),  respect her as a individual and reassure your partner that shes imporant beside a few others.

The book covers both the women and men behavious and the book is a interesting read.  For starters like me, this books serve as a reminder on lines i should not cross and ways to solve a problem that i have created.

Other pointes that I learn is that when a couple is married and is finding it hard to save moeny. They should avoid window shopping thus reducing impulse buying. Take up activies that 'free', spending time in a park, doing sports and most important of all is to review their spending at the end of the year.

"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray" has been around for quite a while and i personally feel this is a classic read that I'm proud to have in my bookshelf.

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