Monday, August 20, 2007

Finding My Strength

Often in life, we wonder what we are good at. During interview, we think up of positive characteristic to associate with us and our personality.

Sometime its correct sometime is way off the mark, cause those ‘strengths’ could be work environment created. Take for example, I’m a outgoing person with a chatty personality (good sales person) but I’m working as a accountant / auditor which require me to be detail and very business with my clients. Thus detail and discipline is a character by work not by self.

Strengths Finder 2.0 is a book that help people undercover their individual talent. Rather than sticking to the norm of “If you try hard enough, you can be anything you want to be.” Strength Finder Creator Don Clifton and a group of Gallup scientists goes by another saying “you can’t be anything you want to be, but you can be a lot more better of who you really are.”

Through their years of research, employee are most disengaged from their work when manager focus on their weakness, ranked by manger who don’t bother with the employee and lastly it’s a low of 1% for employee to be disengaged from work if their manager focus on their strength.

Through buying a hard cover copy of Strengths Finder 2.0, each individual is entitle to take a 30min online test at with a unique key provided in the book. This test allow us to tap into the expertise of Gallup where they classified our individual strength into 34 themes with action plans and strategies on capitalizing your top 5 themes.

My top 5 themes are harmony, restorative, responsibility, learner & input. Its allow us to have a 2nd opinion of who we really are and how best we can utilize our strength in our career and life. It’s a simple formula Talent (the top 5 themes, character that is natural to us and we act instinctively) x Effort (time and energy spend into practicing and polishing the skills) = Strength( the power to constantly perform at our personal peak)

Knowing ourself is the first step to a vast canyon. Give the above test a try and see if they are results are as you expected~ We could be lying to ourself all along.

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