Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Purpose of Goals

Day 2 of remembering what i have learn over the weekend and my memory is ready a bit vague.  Starting to fade. I got to hang on. keep it in and apply it.

The journey continuesss.....

After having a goal and a define action plan. We take action.The result we get is either positive or negative and ideally should we succeed, we get a step towards our goal. On the other side if the result is negative, we do 3 of the following

1. Try once, and give up. Giving excuse and blaming.
2. Try again & again then giving up. There no change of strategy thus the same action will only yield the same results. Same thing similar to faith. Believing that it will give us the result we desired.
3. Do whatever it takes. There’s no failure. Only feedback's, if the result is not what I want. Rethink my strategy. It’s good enough to have even 1 success out of 10 tries isn’t that right?

The insight that dawn on me today is that goals need to be grand. It can be use on our daily life. For example, I will reply all my existing email by 5pm and go for a run. The Goal will be to run. And the strategy would be how to clear up the accumulation email and take action!

Goal is what we want. The game play is how we do it and the main reason is why do it. Which is where our values and belief comes in. there are things we do that we get motivated on. No matter how tired we are, when we think of that certain thing. Our tiredness just seems to disappear. Seek out that value. To some it could be I don’t want to be look down on thus I want to have a deg and climb up the corporate ladder. Or I was help by welfare group when I was young, I want to start my own welfare group and help others learn from my personal experience and not make the same mistake I made

Everyone have a different set of believe, it could be buried sub-consciously or we are ready practicing it in life without as realizing it.

Take responsibility of our GOOD and BAD in life. Only than will we have control of our life and walk the way we want. Don’t live out your life the way others wants it.

Belief drive our action which in turn brings out the potential of you and the results achieved will reinforce your belief.

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