Sunday, January 6, 2008

Spending a windfall

A few days ago, a buddy of mine ask what would should he do if he won the Big Sweep aka Lottery in other countries.

The jackpot price is 2.2 mil and this is how I would use the money.

1. Spend the .2 mil $200k. It can buy pretty much alot of little wants in life.
2. Invest .5 mil into the stock market. ( Equity, unit trust, commodities )
3. Save up 1mil in a time deposit a/c
4. Set up a trust fund with the remaining .5mil for a good course. ( Fund the poor education, SME startup grants..etc.) The trust fund must be self substain and growing faster then the financing of the trust mission.)

Well, that if I have a windfall coming soon.

Life shouldn't change much, I would continue to do what i am doing.

A thought cross my mind as I wrote this. How would one define luxury life style? As each to its own. This is my analogy, While i'm showing at home. I off the tap when i need to soap or shampoo. When i'm on holiday, I enjoy myself in running shower to reading a book in tub fill with sented oil. That's a luxury to me. (Contentment is each to its own)

What is your luxury? How would you spend your windfall?

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