Apparently Yodoyabashi is more like a working area and thus not much area to explore. We took the subway to Namba which is like the shopping center of Osaka similar to Singapore Orchard Road. Only bigger.

The space between building are shelter up and rental out to shop selling food, fashion to slots machines giving the area endless shopping area at every turn and corner.

Over in this area, I have my 2nd Lunch of stir fried slice pork with rice, soup and salad at a place call song wu, which is specialize for their beef. It cost about 550 yen to 780 yen a meal base on the portion and meat type (beef or pork). (This is 1 of the standard meal I end up having over travelling days as its TASTY, Value for yen and most definately FILLING for the stomach)

After the meal, we went to visit the electronic town of Osaka call ‘Den Den Town’ where all the electronic stuff are gathered. 1st hand, 2nd hard of hardware to toys where even old album recorded in gigantic black ‘CDs’ can be found.
Here are where companies like Softmap ( electronics ) and Joshin ( toys and figurines ) are found every few block away. (www.joshin.co.jp ) The weather drops drastically when its dark which is about 5pm and cold breeze at night send me hiding behind building and entering shops to keep warm. (Air conditioning in shops actually blows out warm air) So if you are traveling to japan during winter. Its still cold even if there's no snow!