Just last week, 21 sept to be exact. Abuddy of mine just upgraded his status in life from husband to a dad. The baby boy is delivered in KK hospital. He taught me a thing and two on the area of expecting a baby. The baby took less than an hour to deliver which to a certain standard is of relative fast and its natural birth and surprisingly his wife is perfective active and awake compare to the pain and fatigue that I heard.
My buddy was knowledgeable in his stuff I must say, things like a pain interval of less than 5min would means the baby is due soon and the freezing of baby blood cords/stem cells is a must as a form of biological insurance as the stem cells in new born baby is 100% compatible with the baby himself in growing any organ, cells in the future should any situation arise. (Its $900 to freeze it for a year I heard)
He recommend me to check out idobaby.com forum which covers areas from conceiving , pregnancy to parenting. Things to do, not to do and what to look out for, from the way I see it, it like a knowledge gathering forum where parents share their home brew tips on the world wide web.
Though the baby is not mine, i must say that i'm awe when i'm in the infanty room looking at all those babys in rows, some crying others sleeping soundly. There's a form of tranquility involved where when you look at the baby sleeping soundly, one is oblivious to the surrounding happening.
I guess theres lot's more things in store for him in the next few years when the baby boy grows.
Picking the right milk, finding the right baby doctor and many more..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The journey of developing the photo
In the 80s,90s where photos and television are black and white, cameras using film to capture the image. The question is, after taking the photo, do you think its ready capture and store in the film or only after seeing it being develop that you choose to believe?
This particular story aims to share the idea that in each and every one of us, there is a snap shot, a undeveloped photo in us. A image call success. It’s in every one of us. Some chose to believe in even before seeing the photo. Other wants to see the photo before taking the actions.
But life doesn’t work this way. From young, the image is ready capture in us, we walk through life to reach the photo shop to have our film developed. (Simply known as life journey.) While some believe in what the photo will show, they walk down the journey of life full of confidence, ideas and achievement. But along the way to the photo shop, there will be obstacles, there will be rain (setbacks), hot weather (tiredness) or even bus breaking down (slow us down) to even distractions like candy shops, cafĂ© and pub where we take a rest.
Some of the above obstacles might slow us down a little, others might made up give up the notion of developing the photo. Thus there are people who blame others in the circumstance they are in. (I can’t help it, I’m too slow to catch up. I’m brought up this way, I can’t do any better) and they never did manage to get back to the right path, the goal of developing the photo of success.
However, the journey to the photo shop is not the end. During the photo developing process, a dark room is necessary. This period of darkness might be long that it get us down and distracted. Lost and unsure if that is the right thing to do.
Even after the photo is being develop, would it be what others would one to see? The image might turn out unclear. It’s through the dark room (period of darkness) that we get to see ourselves clearer. (soul searching) take responsibility of what had happen and readjust ourselves to the right path with the compass of success.
Everyone wants to be success in life, but to each its own, success can be of a different scale & measure. May each and every one of us look failure and obstacles in life as a necessary thing to develop a sharper clearer photo we want to see.
This particular story aims to share the idea that in each and every one of us, there is a snap shot, a undeveloped photo in us. A image call success. It’s in every one of us. Some chose to believe in even before seeing the photo. Other wants to see the photo before taking the actions.
But life doesn’t work this way. From young, the image is ready capture in us, we walk through life to reach the photo shop to have our film developed. (Simply known as life journey.) While some believe in what the photo will show, they walk down the journey of life full of confidence, ideas and achievement. But along the way to the photo shop, there will be obstacles, there will be rain (setbacks), hot weather (tiredness) or even bus breaking down (slow us down) to even distractions like candy shops, cafĂ© and pub where we take a rest.
Some of the above obstacles might slow us down a little, others might made up give up the notion of developing the photo. Thus there are people who blame others in the circumstance they are in. (I can’t help it, I’m too slow to catch up. I’m brought up this way, I can’t do any better) and they never did manage to get back to the right path, the goal of developing the photo of success.
However, the journey to the photo shop is not the end. During the photo developing process, a dark room is necessary. This period of darkness might be long that it get us down and distracted. Lost and unsure if that is the right thing to do.
Even after the photo is being develop, would it be what others would one to see? The image might turn out unclear. It’s through the dark room (period of darkness) that we get to see ourselves clearer. (soul searching) take responsibility of what had happen and readjust ourselves to the right path with the compass of success.
Everyone wants to be success in life, but to each its own, success can be of a different scale & measure. May each and every one of us look failure and obstacles in life as a necessary thing to develop a sharper clearer photo we want to see.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
New Reads – Secrets of Millionaire Investors.
This is the book that I found some time to read. relative big and thick book, not briefcase friendly. :P
What got me started was how can I start investing, The safe and sure way if possible. Cause in Singapore, investment is more like a taboo, something meant for the rich and the wealthy to play with and investment through hear say is a no-no.
With bank interest hovering around the 1% mark and inflation near to 3%. I figured its time to find alternative to place my saving that won't shrink over time.
Through reading this book, I got to understand investing in simple terms. Where investing is like buying into a company and owning a part of it, so it’s important for us to know a few things before buying any stock.
1. The sector of the company. (finance, retail, property, etc)
2. The market share of the company.
3. The earning of this company.
4. The value of share price now. Is it over price or under value.
The meaning of compound interest comes into play where the longer we can have our money stay invested. (Money at work) the greater the gain will be.
Using US market as case studies. The theory of buy at a low price, selling at a high get explained in details. (not every stock works that way as it could ready be at the high when we decided to buy.)
But it’s not cheap to invest for long term in companies that are of value fundamentally. Cause all other investors has realize its value and have invested long time ago. Thus good companies are also call blue chips company.
However there are methods and ways in which we can dig for undiscovered gems and wait for them to be the next big thing but the time horizon need for value investing is relative long in term of years before any decent profit comes in.
For many of us like me who desired the way for ‘quick easy bucks’ the book introduced the method of momentum investing where we can identify stock that is ‘hot’ with high volume with lots of money pouring into a particular sector. Take for example Singapore, the ‘Hot sector’ would be Property and Constructions shares, where big jumps in stock price are experience.
But it always brings back to one problem, how much do we start with? A few hundreds, several thousands or? Well, its depends on what stock we intend to buy. A lot of DBS cost around $20,000 where as Genting International cost less then $2000 as of now.
The last method discussed in the book is the use of options for less capital and bigger gain. Reason being, option is a contact to buy a particular stock. (normally a blue chip, large cap stock that expensive to hold) and to sell of the contact after its exceed a certain pricing mark for a profit.
In a Bullish market, a CALL option allows me to buy a stock at $70 for a premium of $2, so only when the stock moves pass for example $72 then I will break ever and make a profit only if it’s exceed $72. If the stock doesn’t move over $72 within a period of time ( around 1 mth – 1 year ). I lose the premium of $2 that I paid.
Likewise in a Bearish market, a PUT option allows me to sell a stock at $50 for a premium of $3, so only when the stock drop pass for example $47 then I will break even and make a profit.
In the stock market, for the buyer to buy a PUT, CALL, there have to be a seller of PUT and CALL. The concept gets a bit gray as I read on for investment idiots like me, but after some checking up and asking around the realization will dawn in~
Overall, this book is like a introduction to investing which I feel is like a pre reading notes to the course taught in Adam Khoo Technologies Group.(www.akltg.com )
*Feel free to drop me a email should you like to know more about the various course.
What got me started was how can I start investing, The safe and sure way if possible. Cause in Singapore, investment is more like a taboo, something meant for the rich and the wealthy to play with and investment through hear say is a no-no.
With bank interest hovering around the 1% mark and inflation near to 3%. I figured its time to find alternative to place my saving that won't shrink over time.
Through reading this book, I got to understand investing in simple terms. Where investing is like buying into a company and owning a part of it, so it’s important for us to know a few things before buying any stock.
1. The sector of the company. (finance, retail, property, etc)
2. The market share of the company.
3. The earning of this company.
4. The value of share price now. Is it over price or under value.
The meaning of compound interest comes into play where the longer we can have our money stay invested. (Money at work) the greater the gain will be.
Using US market as case studies. The theory of buy at a low price, selling at a high get explained in details. (not every stock works that way as it could ready be at the high when we decided to buy.)
But it’s not cheap to invest for long term in companies that are of value fundamentally. Cause all other investors has realize its value and have invested long time ago. Thus good companies are also call blue chips company.
However there are methods and ways in which we can dig for undiscovered gems and wait for them to be the next big thing but the time horizon need for value investing is relative long in term of years before any decent profit comes in.
For many of us like me who desired the way for ‘quick easy bucks’ the book introduced the method of momentum investing where we can identify stock that is ‘hot’ with high volume with lots of money pouring into a particular sector. Take for example Singapore, the ‘Hot sector’ would be Property and Constructions shares, where big jumps in stock price are experience.
But it always brings back to one problem, how much do we start with? A few hundreds, several thousands or? Well, its depends on what stock we intend to buy. A lot of DBS cost around $20,000 where as Genting International cost less then $2000 as of now.
The last method discussed in the book is the use of options for less capital and bigger gain. Reason being, option is a contact to buy a particular stock. (normally a blue chip, large cap stock that expensive to hold) and to sell of the contact after its exceed a certain pricing mark for a profit.
In a Bullish market, a CALL option allows me to buy a stock at $70 for a premium of $2, so only when the stock moves pass for example $72 then I will break ever and make a profit only if it’s exceed $72. If the stock doesn’t move over $72 within a period of time ( around 1 mth – 1 year ). I lose the premium of $2 that I paid.
Likewise in a Bearish market, a PUT option allows me to sell a stock at $50 for a premium of $3, so only when the stock drop pass for example $47 then I will break even and make a profit.
In the stock market, for the buyer to buy a PUT, CALL, there have to be a seller of PUT and CALL. The concept gets a bit gray as I read on for investment idiots like me, but after some checking up and asking around the realization will dawn in~
Overall, this book is like a introduction to investing which I feel is like a pre reading notes to the course taught in Adam Khoo Technologies Group.(www.akltg.com )
*Feel free to drop me a email should you like to know more about the various course.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Being Organized and Neat.
Lately, things has been going out of hand with time seeming slipping away without being utilized. That’s what I personally felt. Doing too much or too little can be a problem sometime.
I always go by the saying of the state of my room reflect the state of my mind. Since I last move house, its been sometime I clean my ‘stand in’ bed room. Most of the items are still in boxes with only the min necessity taken out. Living with boxes and clothes out of plastic bag is not a thing of joy I must say.
Namely, you never be able to find your things quick time. Cause which box is which is no longer identify after messing up the box last week.

The next reason being as I’m in a stand in room, the room itself consist of the other person belong. Squeezing two person belonging into 1 place is do-able but never pleasant. There’s not enough space for me to even open my window without shifting some boxed and stuff out of the way.
As things become less organize, I myself slow then to be disorganize and sloppy. It’s been close to 6mths since I’m in this transit room. Of a room of 7 by 10 square marble tiles, I basically have a usable space of 6 to 9 tiles.
The dust and hair and all sorts of nasty things starts to build up. I gave myself the reason of hang in there, once I move out I do the cleaning up 1 whole shot. Well I’ll been lying to myself for 6mth till finally I get it done.
Daily routine has be changed, a table clustered with wires, pc, phones, book. Home to a room is to sleep and not relax anymore. I can’t think concentrate at work and I feel sick and weak.
The room, where we spend a GOOD ¼ of not ½ of our life in is a reflection of our mind. How we organize it, arrange it is a display of how we conduct our life. Though it’s a minor thing to keep your room clean, the next week will snow ball to 1mth and before we know it, we subconsciously have change in some way. Be in coming home late to taking the bed as the table for everything.
After the clean up, I do feel better, the feeling of a cluster in my mind be clear and repacked. But still its only temporary as I won’t be moving out of my ‘transit’ room anytime soon.
It will be nice to know if anyone have felt similar frustration and lost as I have with my room in relation to my life. Do drop me a comment or your personal experience.
I always go by the saying of the state of my room reflect the state of my mind. Since I last move house, its been sometime I clean my ‘stand in’ bed room. Most of the items are still in boxes with only the min necessity taken out. Living with boxes and clothes out of plastic bag is not a thing of joy I must say.
Namely, you never be able to find your things quick time. Cause which box is which is no longer identify after messing up the box last week.

The next reason being as I’m in a stand in room, the room itself consist of the other person belong. Squeezing two person belonging into 1 place is do-able but never pleasant. There’s not enough space for me to even open my window without shifting some boxed and stuff out of the way.
As things become less organize, I myself slow then to be disorganize and sloppy. It’s been close to 6mths since I’m in this transit room. Of a room of 7 by 10 square marble tiles, I basically have a usable space of 6 to 9 tiles.
The dust and hair and all sorts of nasty things starts to build up. I gave myself the reason of hang in there, once I move out I do the cleaning up 1 whole shot. Well I’ll been lying to myself for 6mth till finally I get it done.
Daily routine has be changed, a table clustered with wires, pc, phones, book. Home to a room is to sleep and not relax anymore. I can’t think concentrate at work and I feel sick and weak.
The room, where we spend a GOOD ¼ of not ½ of our life in is a reflection of our mind. How we organize it, arrange it is a display of how we conduct our life. Though it’s a minor thing to keep your room clean, the next week will snow ball to 1mth and before we know it, we subconsciously have change in some way. Be in coming home late to taking the bed as the table for everything.
After the clean up, I do feel better, the feeling of a cluster in my mind be clear and repacked. But still its only temporary as I won’t be moving out of my ‘transit’ room anytime soon.
It will be nice to know if anyone have felt similar frustration and lost as I have with my room in relation to my life. Do drop me a comment or your personal experience.
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