Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Getting Started With Singapore Stock Market - SGX)

Buying the first stock in Singapore is relative easy. To start trading in Singapore, We need a CDP A/c (Central Depository )  and a Brokerage Firm ( Securities Members ).

The CDP account keep tracks of our stock purchase and sales where as a Brokerage Firm provides us a platform for us to enter and exit the market.

For this list taken for SGX , a few common what that we know are the local banks like UOB Kay Hian ,DBS VickersOCBC Securities to name a few where you can walk into the respective bank and request for an opening of an a/c. CDP account opening forms are normally done together if you have not have an exisiting CDP ac.

Account opening varies from a week to two and  CPF statement or annual income tax statements are required to have a 'margin' account.

Margin ac is similar to a credit card. ( Just that you have to clear your bill within a week) How big your credit limit is affect the amount of stock you can own and purchase at 1 time.

The margin limit normally is peg to your annual income of 1 to 3time. where a whole lots of other factor. ( Referred by a friend... have a 'fat' saving ac in the bank or such ).

Brokerage firms are a good source of getting additional local market news on top of whats mention in the papers and the news. ( through the website or though a broker that is assigned to you when your ac is open)

All in all, to get a feel of investing. trying out buy/sell virtual trade before coming in with the real money.  Brokerage firms are a good start as its basically free and you can familiarize the tools , platform and system.

With a CDP ac and a brokerage ac open, what to trade when to trade comes after.... everything starts somewhere and to invest in Singapore market.. opening of the above mention a/c is the first step.

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